Our UIA Projects

NISS and UMBC Fall Kick-off meeting.

National Institute for Student Success Engagement (NISS)

UIA Campus Participant. The NISS helps universities identify and resolve institutional barriers to equity and college completion by increasing their capacity to implement proven student-success systems. Playbook for UMBC opportunities issued Spring 2024. 4 workgroups created to implement playbook recommendations.

UIA STARS 2024 Cohort with UIA Fellow and Liaisons

Black Student Success Initiative (BSSI)

UIA Campus Participant. The UIA STARS (Students Transferring and Redefining Success) Program is a scholarship program available to entering transfer students. Program recipients receive a $1,000 scholarship ($500 per semester) for their first year at UMBC. Targets Black, male, STEM, transfer students and employs a cohort-based model with peer mentoring/advocacy, support services and scholarships.

An instructor teaching in a class of undergraduate students
Dr. Liz Patton facilitating Metacognitive Study Skills Workshop.

Learning Innovations Grant (Faculty Fellow)

UIA Campus Participant. The goal of this UIA project is to identify and document existing learning interventions and facilitate adoption of the best-fit intervention across additional campuses. UMBC’s Faculty Fellow Dr. Liz Patton completed a Metacognitive workshop with STARS UNIV 301 course and helped students identify their learning style. Students’ insights on UMBC resources were analyzed and evaluated.

Students cheering during their graduation ceremony, confetti falling
Students celebrating their degree completion at UMBC.

Degree Completion Grant

UIA Campus Participant. Received a $45K grant to pilot UIA Degree Completion Grant Playbook and to explore the use of asset-based language in financial award notification. Grants awarded to students with outstanding balances preventing enrollment in Fall 2022 and Spring 2023.

Arizona State University helping institutions achieve the goal of improving working learner outcomes.

Work+Collective Institute

Arizona State University (ASU) and Work+ have been fundamentally redesigning student employment into a personalized experience that integrates working and learning. Having successfully piloted Work+ over the last couple years, ASU is dramatically increasing the program’s reach and impact by scaling the framework to all 12,000+ students employed annually at ASU. Additionally, ASU has launched the Work+Collective aimed at engaging and providing resources to two- and four-year institutions across the country who are also committed to rethinking the impact student employment can have on their working learners.

Access to the UIA Lab is FREE to all UMBC Faculty and Staff.

University Innovation Lab

  • Unlimited access for UMBC faculty and staff
  • A robust, growing library full of actionable resources
  • Virtual workshops and interactive discussions
  • Professional development opportunities, including self-paced courses
  • Onboarding and support
  • Access to additional UIA experiences, including learning cohorts and in person UIA-only events

Extended team members representing UMBC at the Spring 2024 convening.

Academic Recovery Grant Project

UIA Campus Observer.  Project Objective: Test and study academic recovery interventions with each participating university scaling the interventions from GSU’s Accelerator Academy.

UMBC celebrating our success at the UIA National Summit on Student Success.

Listening Lab (Focus Group) Initiative

UIA Campus Observer. Project Objective: Design, implement, and scale an adaptable but systematic approach to elevating the student voice. We will develop methods for deriving trustworthy, focus group-centered findings that can be translated into solutions that support student success.